Tuesday 27 August 2013

How To Get Pregnant With A Healthy Baby

Most couples are conscious about family planning to control birth of children, but not aware about the fact that planning is more important in getting pregnant as well. A well-planned pregnancy with all the preconception care will help in avoiding pregnancy related complications and give you a healthy baby. The food we eat, the environment we live and the lifestyle we lead have changed tremendously which results in an increased risk of miscarriage, still birth, congenital abnormalities and premature delivery. So include pregnancy planning also in your family planning schedule.

All couples take good care from the first day they get a positive pregnancy test result but, a baby's organs begin to form in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before you may know that you are pregnant. So the more planning you do, the greater you contribute to health of your baby.  So start taking the first step for pregnancy planning now because only a healthy couple can give birth to a mentally and physically healthy baby.

Importance of pregnancy planning:
·         Conceive more easily
·         Minimum  pregnancy complications
·         Give birth to a healthier baby
·         Recover more quickly and easily after giving birth
·         Minimize risk of health problems in future both in mother and baby
In this article, I am focusing on some important and effective ways of pregnancy planning to boost up your chance to conceive a healthy baby.

1.     Decide when do you want your baby:
First step in your planning schedule is to decide when you want to have a baby. Don't think you will try for a baby when all financial or professional situations come in a line which will delay your chance of getting pregnant. After the age of 35, the fertility of women decreases with greater chance of giving birth to baby with genetic abnormalities like downs syndrome. If you are in your 30s don’t wait too long to get a baby bump particularly if you want more than one child. The likelihood of pregnancy depends mostly on maternal age rather than paternal age because the number or concentration of sperm remains relatively constant for them. 

2.     Follow healthy diet and lifestyle
Your chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy are better if you and your partner are as healthy as possible. It's ideal to go into pregnancy with good dietary habits already in place. Food rich in folic acids are highly recommended.  A nutritious, well-balanced diet is very important to stay healthy which includes eating a variety of the following foods.

·         Plenty of fruit and vegetables
·         Starchy foods, which includes bread, pasta, rice and potatoes
·         Protein, such as lean meat, fish, beans and lentils
·         Fiber rich food like wholegrain, fruit and vegetables
·         Dairy foods, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, which are a good source of calcium
·         Drink enough fluids every day, but limit your intake of caffeine-containing drinks

Studies suggest that some men with low sperm count also have zinc deficiency. Meat, wholegrain cereals, seafood, and eggs are high in zinc and could increase your fertility. Along with healthy food habits, both partners should follow a good lifestyle. Avoid alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, and quit smoking tobacco. Stop taking medicines without prescription as this may harm the baby.

3.     Maintain a healthy weight

 This is one of the most important factors to be in concern. It's a good idea to reach your ideal body weight before you get pregnant. Aiming for a healthy weight will increase your chances of ovulation. It is proven that polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients come out with tremendous improvement after reducing their body weight. Reducing weight is the first step you can take to correct hormonal imbalances. A healthy body mass index (BMI) for adult women is between 19 and 25. Being underweight and overweight has corresponding complications. Yoga and exercise is helpful for all women to maintain a healthy body and mind.

4.     Be a medically fit couple
Any medical condition of both partners that can affect your pregnancy should be diagnosed and treated before starting your pregnancy. Reasons for irregular period should be diagnosed and corrected. Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is found to be the most important reason of sterility in women. Have a pre-pregnancy checkup with your health care provider for diabetes, blood pressure variations, hemoglobin and thyroid hormone. Be sure that you are up to date on all immunizations. In some cases, your health care provider might recommend adjusting your medication or other treatments before the pregnancy. 
Health of man is also important because certain diseases like cause mumps, diabetes, Hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections, cancer and HIV can affect your chances for making pregnancy and a healthy baby.

5.     Stop contraception
Once you decide to become pregnant, stopping contraception gives more doubts than selecting one especially those who are on contraceptive pills. But don’t worry. When you stop using contraception, your periods and fertility will return to normal. If you’ve been taking birth control pills, usually ovulation is possible as soon as two weeks after you stop taking the pill, but it may take longer for some women.  Getting pregnant very soon after stopping hormonal contraception is safe as it will not harm your baby.

6.     Know when to have sex
Women have chances of getting pregnant only once in a month. Having intercourse throughout a month is not the way. Having sex at the right time when you release an egg (ovulation) is the effective one to make you pregnant .This will happen only once in a menstrual cycle.  The most active sperm will fertilize this egg. Having sex during your fertile window is the most important way to get pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, consult a gynecologist and treat it without delay.

Day of ovulation
 If you're one of the many women who have a 28-day cycle, there's a good chance you will ovulate on day 14. If you have a 35 day cycle you are most likely to ovulate on day 21. Consider the first day of your period as Day 1. Sperm can live for two to three days, but the egg survives around for only 12 to 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is important to have intercourse more than once around the time of ovulation. A good approach is to have sex on alternate days .6 days prior to ovulation and 6 days after ovulation are the most important days to have sex because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict. But of course there are some techniques to calculate and find out your day of ovulation.

How to know the day of ovulation

a) Basal Body Temperature

You won't feel the change, but a few days after you ovulate, your basal body temperature (BBT) rises. Use a thermometer for measurement and draw a chart with day on X-axis and temperature on Y-axis to track this. Before the ovulation, your BBT probably ranges from 97.2 to about 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit.  The day before the temperature starts increasing is the most likely day of ovulation which shows a dip in temperature. Two or three days after you ovulate, hormonal changes cause a rise of 0.4 to 1.0 degree in your BBT. Charting BBT once may not help, but charting it for a few months will give you a clear picture about the day of your ovulation. If you are getting pregnant your BBT will stay elevated throughout your pregnancy. 

b) Vaginal discharge

The discharge you will be tracking is cervical mucus which changes throughout your cycle. For most of the month, you may feel dry. But as you approach ovulation, you will notice much more cervical mucus which is clear and stretchy like raw egg white. If you have sex on a day when you have fertile cervical mucus, you are more likely to conceive.

c) Hormone analysis
The amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) is what measured here. An increase in this hormone means that one  of your ovaries will soon release an egg. Most women ovulate 12-48 hours after detecting an LH surge.  Ovulation prediction kits based on hormone analysis are available in market.

7.     Take Folic acid supplement
Take food rich in folic acid regularly. Your gynecologist will suggest that you take folic acid as a supplement. Folic acid is a member of the vitamin B family and is needed for baby’s development in the early weeks of pregnancy. It is good to take folic acid from 3 months before getting pregnant. Wondering why so early? The baby's neural tube which becomes the brain and spinal cord develops during the first month of pregnancy, when you may not even know that you are pregnant. Folic acid help producing healthy ovum, avoid miscarriage and prevent serious abnormalities of brain and nerves of baby.

8.     Make work atmosphere safe
Working conditions and atmosphere should be satisfactorily safe for both partners. Any exposure to chemicals or radiations that may affect your fertility should be avoided. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, continuous exposure to  pesticides, chemical fertilizers, lead, nickel, mercury, chromium, ethylene glycol ethers, petrochemicals, benzene, perchloroethylene and radiation can lower sperm quality, quantity and possibly lead to infertility or miscarriage.

9.     Keep good emotional health
Emotional health is a state of well-being. The realization that you are going to become a parent can be an exciting feeling which can make you happy and at the same time tensed. Your emotional health is very important during your pregnancy and emotions such as stress and anxiety can affect your baby’s developing body and brain. Keep family bonds strong and friend circle wide. Happy faces all around will definitely keep you positive towards a pregnancy.

10.    Seek medical advice
One year is a satisfactory time for a couple who had regular intercourse to get a positive pregnancy test and congratulations from all around. If you are not one among them, don’t wait too long to consult a doctor.
Kissing the chubby cheek and touching the feather like foot of a baby is the most wonderful feeling that you can ever experience. Be positive and plan your pregnancy today.

Asha Das 

Monday 26 August 2013

Houseplants To Absorb Indoor Pollution

Keeping indoor plants in your home is the best way to keep your home fresh and lively. Indoor plants will help in keeping you healthy as well by removing many volatile organic compounds. Indoor plants will provide oxygen and will keep you fresh all day long. Indoor plants will absorb various indoor pollutions and will keep your home healthy. Presence of indoor plants will gad some green to your room and will keep it hale and hearty.

Many studies have proved that indoor plants are useful in removing many harmful chemicals that may cause respiratory problems including asthma and neurological problems. But keeping plants near your bedroom is not recommended because it will produce carbon dioxide in night. Prefer areas where you spend your day time for keeping indoor plants. Here is a list of some indoor plants that will act as a living air purifier to improve the air quality by absorbing indoor pollution.

Houseplants To Absorb Indoor Pollution

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
Spider plant is an indoor plant with long grassy leaves which grows rapidly. This plant is well-known for its property of removing poisonous gases and other impurities. It will effectively remove formaldehyde and Xylene which is a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

2. Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata bostoniensis)
Boston fern is an interesting plant that has gracefully frilly leaves. Boston fern is also used for it property to act as a natural humidifier. They will keep your room fresh by releasing moisture into the air.Boston fern can remove common air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene.

3. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
Areca Palm is a commonly used indoor plant with feathery fronds. It is well-known as a natural humidifier and as a living room plant. The plant can be kept anywhere in the house, especially next to newly varnished furniture or in carpeted areas. The areca palm helps remove deadly toxins like formaldehyde and xylene.

4. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)
Chinese Evergreen  is an evergreen herbaceous perennial plant which can act as anexcellent air-purifier plant. It is very attractive with its shiny, green leaves that have attractive markings on them.  Chinese Evergreen  can grow even with less water and minimum light. It can also filter out airborne toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde.

5. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Snake Plant is a commonly used decorative plant. Studies have shown that this plant has the ability to absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, and many other chemicals that are commonly found in your home. Unlike other indoor plants, snake plant is considered to be safe to keep in bedroom as it will maintain a healthy amount of oxygen in the room.

6. Peace lily(Spathiphyllum)
Peace lily is one of the most common indoor plants that is famous for its ability to reduce harmful indoor toxins that may cause cancer. Peace lily is easy to maintain and will keep your indoors attractive. Peace lily is a great pollution fighter and air-purifier which can remove benzene and formaldehyde.

Common Causes Of Belly Bloat

Belly bloat is a very common and annoying problem seen in almost all people. Everyone might have faced this condition at least once at any point of life. Belly bloat can occur due to various reasons depending on your health, lifestyle or food habits. Among the symptoms of digestive problems and abdominal problems, belly bloating is the most common one. Since belly bloat as a symptom is not limited to dietary and digestive factors, it is very important to look for other associated symptoms as well to rule out the exact cause.

 Knowing the reasons of your belly bloat is very crucial in taking any initiative to cure it. Generally, a small change in your habit and lifestyle will help in managing and controlling belly bloat. But, if the condition persists, it is important to take medical advice because belly bloat can occur due to various medical conditions as well.  Here are the most important 5 common causes of belly bloat. 

Common Causes Of Belly Bloat

1. Acidity:  Acidity is the most common cause of belly bloat. The main reason that may lead to acidity is unhealthy food habits and digestive problems associated with it. If not treated in time, acidity may lead to conditions like ulcer. Belly bloat due to acidity will be associated with belching and flatulence.

2. Irritable bowel syndrome: One of the common causes that may result in belly bloating is irritable bowel syndrome. In this case belly bloat will be associated with feeling to use the toilet more than often and also just after a meal. It is important to seek medical advice to solve the problem of belly bloat due to irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Celiac diseases: Celiac diseases are generally noticed for the first time from its most common symptom of bloated belly. Celiac Disease is due to intolerance for gluten, the proteins found in many of the grains including wheat. A bloated belly due to celiac disease may take up to a day or two to get resolved after eating the trigger food.
4. Constipation: A common cause of belly bloat is constipation. Constipation can be controlled by taking food rich in fibre, including more fruits in your diet and drinking enough water to prevent dehydration. Include more insoluble fibre from bran, seeds, fruits and vegetables in your diet than soluble fibre from processed cereals and snacks.

5. Hormonal change: Hormonal changes play a great role in causing belly bloat. Belly bloat is very common as a premenstrual symptom and during progression to menopause. Hormonal changes may cause an increase in oestrogen levels which will result in an increased retention of water resulting in bloating.

Important Vaccinations For Your Baby

Vaccination schedule includes a series of vaccination at the right time in the right dose, either as a recommended plan or as a compulsory program depending on the country of residence. Giving vaccination to your baby right from birth is very important in providing active immunity. Vaccination may be of single or multiple doses for getting its complete effect.

 It is important to know the correct vaccination schedules that have to be followed for your baby. The vaccination schedule may vary depending on various factors. It may include any additions depending on any particular family history or environmental exposure.  But, most of the important vaccinations remain the same.

Certain factors like the country in which you live, your baby’s health or the need for any optional vaccinations may influence the usual vaccination schedule. The timing of vaccination is also of great significance. Here is a list of the important vaccinations in India that you have to give to your baby.

Important Vaccinations For Your Baby  

At birth:
It is important to give certain vaccinations right after the birth. This includes BCG vaccination for tuberculosis, Oral Polio Vaccine(OPV) for polio and the first dose of Hepatitis B. The doses of OPV and Hepatitis B should be continued and the next dose will be in the 6th week.

6 Weeks:
First dose of DTP for Diphtheria, Tetanus and  Pertussis, Oral Polio Vaccine, First dose of Haemophilus influenza , Second  dose of Hepatitis B, Rotavirus(optional) and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine(optional).
Rotavirus and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine are not compulsory vaccinations. But, those who travel out of India may have to take these vaccinations depending on the vaccination policies of the particular countries.

10 weeks:
Second dose of DTP for Diphtheria, Tetanus and  Pertussis, Oral Polio Vaccine, Second dose of Haemophilus influenza, Second dose of Rotavirus (optional) and Second dose of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (optional).
The dose of Rotavirus vaccinations includes two or three doses depending on the brand of vaccine you select.  If you opted for vaccination having two doses, then by the 10th week you will finish the full doses. But, if you opted for vaccination with three doses, then the next dose should be at 14th week.

14 Weeks:
Third dose of DTP for Diphtheria, Tetanus and  Pertussis, Oral Polio Vaccine, Third dose of Haemophilus influenza , Third dose of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (optional) and Third dose of Hepatitis B.

9 Months – 18 Months:
Measles, Hepatitis A, Mumps Measles Rubella, Varicella, DTP  (Diphtheria, Tetanus and  Pertussis) and Oral Polio Vaccine. The second dose MMR vaccine can be given at any time 4 – 8 weeks after the first dose. Varicella second dose can be given any time 3 months after the first dose.

These are the important vaccinations that you should give to your baby. It is important to consult your paediatrician before administering any kind of vaccination. Giving vaccinations to your baby at the right time will help them to be immune throughout their life.


Sunday 18 August 2013

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy habits and practices have an important role in keeping you healthy and happy. According to a study conducted by Michigan State University, a healthy lifestyle is defined by four basic criteria that are ‘not smoking, correct weight, eating right and exercising.  Sometimes, a small change in your daily schedule can make big changes to your life, making it healthier.

 If you are ready to spend some time and energy to improve the quality of your life and living, then following a healthy life is not so difficult. Avoiding unhealthy practice needs to be given the same importance as practicing healthy habits. A healthy lifestyle should give importance to factors that influence both physical and mental health.

A healthy diet alone is insufficient to provide you complete health. There are some other factors also that have a direct or indirect impact on your health. If you are looking forward to improve your lifestyle, here are some simple tips for healthy lifestyle that you can implement in your life.

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle  

1.Healthy diet: A healthy diet is one of the important factors that determine the quality of your life. If you want to include some tips for a healthy lifestyle as a routine, include a balanced and nutritious diet in it. It is important for both your physical and mental health.

2.Better sleep: Tips for healthy lifestyle will definitely give and important place for a sound sleep. Sleeping is important for the body to get proper rest and relaxation. Go to your bed early with a peaceful mind and wake up early to a pleasant day.

3.Stay hydrated: Water can be considered as a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Drinking enough water is one of the key tips for healthy lifestyle. Drinking at least eight glasses of water is important to keep yourself healthy.

4.No junk foods: Junk foods may be tastier than what you prepare at home, but it is not a healthy choice. Avoiding junk foods or processed food is one among the list of tips for healthy lifestyle.

5.Healthy relationships: If you want to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle, you should definitely give importance to good and healthy relationships. Keeping family bonds strong is one of the important tips for healthy lifestyle.

6.Exercise: Tips for healthy lifestyle should certainly include exercise in it. It is important to spend some of your time daily for exercising, as it will help you to keep your body fit and healthy.

7.Deep breath: Instead of taking shallow breaths, take deep breaths. Oxygen is very important for our cells, including brain cells. Practice to take deep breath as possible that fills your lungs.

8.Have a hobby: Having a hobby is a good idea to be included in the top list if tips for healthy lifestyle. Having a hobby will keep you busy with something that you are interested along with reducing stress

9.Be happy: Remember that happy people will live longer. So being happy is the best among the tips for healthy lifestyle. Making new friends, spending time with family or finding new activities will keep you happy, active and energetic.

10.Clean habits: No tips for healthy lifestyle will give you benefits if you have the habits of smoking, using alcohol or illegal drugs. Smoking and drinking will affect your health by its  direct and indirect impacts.

11.Be positive: Have a positive attitude towards your life. It is sure that life is a mixture of different incidents and emotions. Tips for healthy lifestyle should focus mainly on a positive outlook towards your life.


Parenting Challenges: Son Vs Daughter

Unfortunately there are no particular and specific rules in parenting your kids. It is your responsibility to set rules which will help you to raise your kids to a perfect personality. Even though we focus on common and generalized parenting tips to raise our kids, it is a fact that the parenting tricks and technique should be different and diverse depending on the gender, age, character and attitude of the kids. Out of these, gender of your kids plays an important role in parenting.If you have both son and daughter, it is important to know the importance of gender in parenting.

 Sons and daughters differ in their attitude, interests, thoughts and mindsets. As a parent it is important to understand these differences, instead of trying to implement a general rule for raising your kids. One of the greatest parenting challenges is the gender of your kids. While trying to implement diversified rules for your sons and daughters, it is important to consider their age as well. 

Here are some of the biggest parenting challenges that you may face while considering sons Vs daughters. Knowing this may help you to take necessary actions to raise your kids in the perfect way. 

Parenting Challenges: Son Vs Daughter  

1.Interests: Parenting kids of different genders become more challenging because your sons and daughters differ in their interests. It is important to focus on those factors that your kids are interested. A doll may be accepted by your daughter as a reward, but may not be with your son. He may prefer an outing or a cricket bat.

2.Age: The mindset of your son and daughter is different. Implementing the same parenting techniques for both sons and daughters is a wrong idea. Something that worked on your six year old daughter may not work on your son when he is six years old.

3.Physical activities: One of the biggest parenting challenges that you may face in sons Vs daughters may be satisfying the difference in their options for games and physical activities. It is important to consider  the needs of both your son and daughter.Boys are interested more in strenuous sports while girls like to be involved in light games.

4.Behaviour: Have you ever been surprised to see that most of the parenting techniques that worked perfectly with your daughter fail on your son? It is just because of the difference in their behaviour. Don’t expect your son to react in a gentle way as your daughter does.

5.Biological development: Boys and girls differ in their mental and physical development. It is important to educate them about the changes that have to be expected. Proper adult education will help them to become aware of biological changes and will teach them to differentiate and report any kind of physical abuse.

6.Attachment: It is said that boys are closer to their mother and girls are more attached to their fathers  when they are kids. The condition may change as they become teens, but accept the difference when they are kids and design your parenting plans according to this.

7.Favouritism: Even though not so common, favouritism is one of the major challenges that a parent who have both sons and daughters may face. Treat both your son and daughter equally and pay attention in satisfying their needs and requirements.



Best Time To Leave Work When Pregnant

Maternity leave is the time when an expected mother takes leave from their work to get prepared for the arrival of a baby. Maternity leave will allow you to get ready, both physically and mentally. It is sure that you have to take a break from your job after being pregnant. But, when to leave work during pregnancy is the most common doubt that all working women face after becoming pregnant.

 It is important to take the maternity leave at the correct time for the proper health of both the baby and the mother.  If you are one among those confused pregnant women still confused about when to leave work during pregnancy, go through these useful points which will help you to make a right decision.

Best Time To Leave Work When Pregnant  

1.Nature of your job: A working environment which exposes you to harmful chemical, radiations or hard toil is not recommended during pregnancy. In such cases, it is better to take leave at the first trimester itself because it is the time which makes the foetus more prone to genetic abnormalities.

2.Your health: Your health is an important factor which determines when to leave work during pregnancy. If you are perfectly healthy, you may work until the third trimester as long as your work environment is safe for you and your baby.

3.Your baby’s health: Baby’s health should be given great importance among the factors that decide when to leave work during pregnancy. If your doctor has indicated any health issues to your unborn baby, you should closely follow the instruction of your doctor about when to leave work during pregnancy.

4.Pregnancy complications:If you have any medical conditions that make your pregnancy risky, you have to take proper medical advice from your doctor about when to leave work during pregnancy. Give priority to your pregnancy and leave your work if you have any conditions that recommend complete rest.

5.Time of labour: If you are confused about when to leave work during pregnancy, it is better to consider your health and time of labour. It is better to leave your work near to your delivery as long as you are healthy. This will allow you to spend more time to take care of your baby.

6.Job responsibility:If you are doing a very responsible job, it is important to make up your absence. Prepare beforehand for giving the works to other able colleagues. Having a discussion with your colleagues will help you in deciding when to leave work during pregnancy.

7.Duration of leave:Considering the duration of  maternity leave that your workplace offer will help you to decide when to leave work during pregnancy. If you have a short duration, better take it near to your delivery.
