Sunday 11 May 2014

Tips To Care For Pet Birds During Winter Season

Winter is a difficult time for both you and your pet birds. Pet care during winter season is a common topic of discussion among all those who love pets. Your feathered friend needs some extra care to overcome the frosty winter. Pet birds can be garden birds or those birds in cages. The method of care should depend on the way how you keep your pet.

Birds in cages can be moved to indoors as a part of pet care during winter season. But, the condition of garden birds is different. They need some additional care during the winter season to survive the changes in the climate. When comparing with caged birds care, you have to take more effort in keeping garden pet birds at a comfortable temperature, providing them with enough food when there are no natural resources and raising the baby birds if any.

Caring pet birds is not so easy during the freezing winter. But if you know some tips for pet care during winter season, you can make caring pet birds an easy task. There are tips for pet care during the winter season that you can apply for both caged birds and garden birds. Here are some ideas that will help you in caring your pet birds during this winter, to keep them safe, healthy, and comfortable.

Tips To Care For Pet Birds During Winter
Tips To Care For Pet Birds During Winter Season  

Keep them indoors: No pet lovers will even think of keeping their pets in the freezing cold outside. Your pet birds also demand the same. Keep your caged birds in the indoors and if possible make necessary arrangements for a temporary indoor shift to your garden pet birds.

Maintain the room temperature: It is important to keep the room temperature in an optimum degree for supporting your pet birds. While using a room heater, take care to keep the humidity as well. Dried air can cause dryness of mucous membranes in birds.

Maintain humidity: Using room heaters can dry up the air. This is not good for the health of your pet bird. Allow your pet birds to inhale some steam. The best idea is to keep the cage in your bathroom, while you have your warm water bath.

Change drinking water often: The cold climate of the winter season will make the given drinking water cold very fast. Your pet birds may find it difficult to drink cold water. While caring pet birds, remember to keep their drinking water warm.

Supply food: Supplying enough food is more important while considering garden pet birds. During winter, it is difficult for garden bird to get their natural foods. Provide foods that will give enough calorie and energy for the birds.

Warm bath: Birds usually love playing in the water.  If your pet bird loves having a bath, it is a good idea to do it. Give a short warm bath to your pet bird. Remember to make your bird dry immediately. Bathing will give them a chance to get exposed to humidity as well.

Keep your room safe: If you are not keeping your bird caged, you have to take extra care in keeping your room safe for the bird. Avoid burning wood, coal or charcoal in a closed place, avoid gas burners, and keep the room heating measures out of the reach of your bird.

Ways To Increase Water Intake During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings along a plethora of changes to your body. It indeed is a difficult journey. Water is the key fluid in providing a balanced diet. Pregnancy demands an even higher intake of water. As you progress with your pregnancy you will need to replace the water lose due to the frequent visit to the washroom. So, you should learn how to increase water intake during pregnancy?  

Are you feeling hungry even after your meals? Do you feel bloated? Then, sufficient water intake is your only saving factor. Since your baby is continuously growing water intake is as important as any other multivitamins.Excess water intake has slew of benefits for mommy and baby like reducing the risk of high blood pressure and other complications. This makes knowing how to increase water intake during pregnancy more important. 

Proper fluid intake during the first trimester of pregnancy can even prevent gestational emesis. It helps to carry the essential nutrients to your baby. Increases Effective breast milk production, produces sufficient amount of amniotic fluid, helps combat constipation dehydration, urinary tract infection and other complications related to pregnancy. Here are some points about how to increase water intake during pregnancy.  

Increase Water Intake In Pregnancy: Tips

How much water do you really need?: An expectant mom should be drinking more than the normal recommended 8 glasses of water per day. She should be drinking more than the half of their body weight in water. That means if you weigh 130 pounds you should be drinking 65 ounces of water. But, you may be confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy. 

Replace Water With Other Fluids: If you are uncomfortable drinking water, you can replace it with other fluids like lemon juice, milk or coconut water. If you enjoy drinking leban you store a bottle of leban in your refrigerator. 

Help Of a Water Bottle: This is a very easy tip to make you relaxed about how to increase water intake during pregnancy. Drink water from a water bottle. Each time you drink water, mark your target. This can work wonders rather than counting the number of glasses of water you had daily. 

Set an alarm: If you are confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy, here is an idea. Set an alarm every two hours to remind you about drinking water. This will help you increase your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Coconut Water: If you are confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy, consider drinking coconut water. It is a healthier diet option compared to any juices. Drinking coconut water can help to maintain your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Drink water every two hours: Never drink the recommended ounces of water at a time instead try to drink water every two hours. Remember to carry your water bottle on the go to ensure your daily water intake during pregnancy.

 After every washroom visit: Remember to drink water after each visit to your bathroom. After every visit to the toilet, take a turn to your kitchen as well. This will help you increase your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Eat watery fruits and vegetables: Include fruits and vegetables with high water content like watermelon and cucumber. This will help you forget your doubt about how to increase water intake during pregnancy.

 Add Flavour To the Water: You can make small cubes of your favourite juice and add to your drinking water to make it more palatable. Make a bottle of lime juice and store in your refrigerator to ensure your daily water intake during pregnancy.  l

Tips To Increase Appetite During Pregnancy

Decreased appetite is a common complaint of pregnant women. But, it is not a simple issue that can be left uncared. Pregnancy time demands an increase in your food intake for the growth and development of your unborn baby.  The main reason behind this sudden decrease in appetite is the drastic hormonal changes that occur in your body. It is important to take the necessary steps to increase appetite during pregnancy for the health of both you and your baby.

Eating anything is not what we want to focus. Eating healthy is the point. Foetus gets all the adequate nutrients from the food that you eat. This makes healthy eating during pregnancy an important factor of concern. Following a well balanced diet is one of the crucial factors that determine the mental and physical growth of your baby.

 It is natural that your appetite goes down during the first trimester due to morning sickness and other associated discomforts. But, once you get recovered from the period of morning sickness, you should naturally get back your appetite. If it is not happening so, it is important to take steps to increase appetite during pregnancy. Here are some tips that may help you increase appetite during pregnancy.

Tips To Increase Appetite During Pregnancy  

Eat small meals: This is one of the important points that you have to keep in your mind while trying to increase appetite during pregnancy. Eat small meals instead of filling your stomach with one heavy meal.

Mild exercise: Doing exercise during pregnancy is good not only to improve your physical fitness, but also to increase appetite during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor before doing exercise to ensure that you don’t have any medical problems relating to pregnancy that demands taking a rest.

Eat what you love: Chances are more that your loss of appetite is due to your mental attitude. It is common to have a food craving while you are pregnant. If you feel to eat anything special, eat it. This will help satisfy you and will help increase appetite during pregnancy.

Manage morning sickness: Most of the pregnant women experience loss of appetite due to morning sickness. In some women, it may last even up to the last trimester. So take necessary steps to manage your morning sickness and it will help increase appetite during pregnancy.

Yoga: Practicing yoga is a good idea to increase appetite during pregnancy. There are many Asanas that are specifically designed for increasing appetite. But, remember to practice yoga only from a professional yoga trainer.

Healthy snacks: It is a good idea to have a healthy eating during pregnancy. Include some healthy snacks in your diet. This will help increase appetite during pregnancy because a small stimulation to your digestive system can induce appetite.

Avoid junk food: Eating junk food during pregnancy should be completely avoided. Junk foods are not at all good for you or your baby. Moreover, it will reduce appetite as well. Reducing the intake of junk food will help increase appetite during pregnancy.

Try new recipes: If you are bored with the routine recipes, try something new today. A change in the taste and texture of your food will definitely increase your appetite. But, remember that eating during pregnancy should be healthy.

Strange Stories About The Moon

There's a lot we know about the moon. Moon is our nearest cosmic neighbour. Even though science won in taking men to the moon, moon still remains as a piece of surprise for the human kind. Moon is the main hero of all those poets, painters, writers and art lovers who admire the nature. After all, we all grow up hearing rhymes and stories about moon. This all keeps moon a bit of wonder in our concept.

Apart from our general knowledge that moon is earth’s natural satellite, there are many other strange facts about moon.  Many studies have been done to reveal the secrets and mystery behind moon. Most of the studies were helpful in finding out the various factors that are related to moon. There are many findings that do not match even with the most popular conventional beliefs and myths. Scientists are still searching for more mysteries in the surface of moon. Probably we will witness the first picnic to moon shortly.

 The strange facts about moon are even more amazing than our bedtime stories about moon.  You will get even more surprised, if you read this down. Here are some strange facts about moon.
Strange Stories About The Moon
Strange Stories About The Moon 

The origin of moon: The giant impact hypothesis is the leading theory for the origin of moon. According to this, moon was formed from the debris left over from a collision between the Earth and a body the size of Mars four and a half billion years ago.

Moon trees: The name moon tree will make us confused whether these trees come to earth from moon. But, it is not like that. During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, Stuart Roosa carried 500 seed into orbit around the Moon. These fell to the earth and germinated successfully.

Moon is not alone: Scientists have shown that there is one more natural satellite for earth named Cruithne. This remains as one of the most strange facts about moon. It needs 770 years to complete a horseshoe-shaped orbit around Earth and so will remain suspended for at least 5,000 years.

Moon’s cratered surface: It is one of the strange facts about moon that its cratered surface is not changing. One of the reasons is that there is no movement in the moon’s surface like what happen in earth as earthquakes. Another reason is that there are no air movements in the form of wind.

Shape of moon: One of the strange facts about moon is its shape. It is not round or spherical as it seems to be from the earth. Moon is slightly egg shaped because its centre of mass is about 1.2 miles off-centre.

Tides and moon: There are many stories about moon and tides. But, do you know that there is one of the strange facts about moon behind the reason? Tides are caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth.

Moving away: Many research scientists claim that the moon was about 14,000 miles away from the earth when it was formed. But, now it is more than 280,000 miles away. This is one of the most strange facts about moon.

Moon dogs: Don’t misunderstand that it is the first do to reach moon. A moon dog, otherwise called paraselene is a relatively rare bright circular spot on a lunar halo. This is formed due to the refraction of moonlight by hexagonal-plate-shaped ice crystals in cirrus or cirrostratus clouds.

How To Be A Better Listener In Relationships

Being a good listener is very important, esspecially if you are in a relationship. But, it is not as easy as it seems. There are certain traits that will clearly indicate that you are a good listener. There will be some awful situations in our lives that will force us to pretend as a good listener. There you will need to show your ‘listening skill’ to act the best. At the same time, there will be circumstances that may make you branded as careless, only because you don’t know how to express that you are listening. A failure in showing that you are a good listener may make serious impact on your relationships.

Knowing how to be a better listener in a relationship is very important in such cases. It is very common that most of the fights in a relation start with a silly reason. So, it is better to avoid taking chances. Listen to your partner even if they are talking matters that are not much interesting for you. Consider it as a part of mutual support. Knowing how to be a better listener in a relationship is very important to maintain your life smoothly. If you are looking forward to find out how to be a better listener in a relationship, here are some tips for you.   

How To Be A Better Listener In Relationships  

Show interest: It is very important to show that you are interested. Some deeds from your side may turn off your partner very easily. So, avoid turning to your phone, looking frequently on your watch, yawning and looking around.

Respond: ‘Give response’ is the answer for how to be a better listener in a relationship. A positive support from your side is what the other opposite to you is expecting. Understand that and react accordingly to make your partner feel that you are a good listener.

Ask questions: Asking anything relating to the topic that you are listening will make your partner realise that you are listening. Asking about something that they just said will be the best option. This will show you how to be a better listener in a relationship.

Remind earlier conversations: It is one of the best ways to remind your partner something from any previous conversations that happened between you. This will make them happy that you are remembering what they have told. This will let you know how to be a better listener in a relationship.

Don’t talk in between: Don’t interrupt your partner while they are talking. If you have something to tell, just wait until they complete. This will make them feel that you listened to them completely. It will show how to be a better listener in a relationship.

Use body language: Knowing how to be a better listener will help you keep your relationship smooth. Using your body language is one of the most effective methods for this. This will help keep your partner more involved in the conversation.

Encourage: While your partner is talking something, take initiative to encourage them. In most of the cases, what you feel insignificant may be significant for your partner. So, consider their feelings also while you are listening to them.

Best Ways To Get Your Child To Start Talking

If listening to the giggles of your baby makes you excited, then probably you will be waiting to see how you feel when they start talking. All parents are concerned about the stages of growth of their children. Nothing will be more exciting than listening to the cute talks of a child. But, some children may not start talking even after the theoretically expected time.  The time when your child starts talking may differ from other babies.

This is the time when you will start searching for the best ways to get your child to talk.  The age when children start to talk depends on various conditions. If you feel that your baby is not talking even after the milestone time, it is recommended to consult a doctor or a speech therapist to rule out the reason. Unless your child is not having any medical problems that may affect talking, there are easy ways to make your child talk.

 If you are ready to spend some time and effort, selecting the best ways to get your child to talk may help. Here are some of the best ways to get your child to talk.

Best Ways To Make Your Child Talk
Best Ways To Get Your Child To Start Talking  

Allow them to get social: Allow your child to mingle with others. This is one of the best ways to get your child to talk. Let them mingle with other children. This will make communication more important and your child will start talking without much effort from your side.

Talk to them: Busy life of parents is the main reason why children delay in start talking. Talking to your child is one of the best ways to get your child to talk. Do not think whether they will understand what you are talking. Just talk to them and they will start responding.

Name all and everything: It is a good idea to name each and every object in your home. Repeat the names of your relatives as well. Use these names frequently when you talk to your child and ask them to repeat it. This is one of the best ways to get your child to talk.

Bedtime stories: If your child has not started talking yet, read some bedtime stories for them before they sleep. This can do wonders in developing your child’s communication skills. If they are not responding in the beginning, keep on doing the process unless you get a positive response.

Sound imitation: Just try to imitate the sounds of animals, instruments or even the music of your child’s toys. Your child may easily repeat them back. This will help you to a great extend to make them repeat the most frequently used words as well.

Rhymes: You can try singing some rhymes to your child. You can do this daily while you feed, give bath or while putting them to sleep. Hearing these rhymes daily will make them repeat it. This is one of the best ways to get your child to talk.

Ask them to repeat: Instead of merely talking to your child, ask them to repeat simple words. It is better to focus more on words that are used more frequently. Repeat these words purposely.  Including these words in their bedtime story is one of the smartest ways to make your child talk.

Tips For Nipple Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body passes through various physical and emotional changes. The main reason for these changes is the hormonal variations associated with your pregnancy. It is a clear fact that these hormonal changes are essential for you to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. But, at the same time you have to experience some difficulties during your pregnancy period. One of the major problems that almost all women face during their pregnancy is tender nipple.

Your body will be preparing for making yourself ready for breastfeeding your baby. The related physical and hormonal changes will make remarkable changes in your nipples as well. The nipple changes may include an increase in the size and tender nipples. As you near to your delivery time, your nipples and areola will change in shape and size and you may even notice leakage of a yellowish substance known as colostrum. These are the preparations of your body to feed your little one.

 Nipple care during pregnancy is very important to keep yourself comfortable. There is no need to get worried about thinking how to do nipple care while pregnant.  It will be very helpful if you know some tips for nipple care during pregnancy. Here are some ideas that you can try for nipple care during pregnancy.

Tips For Nipple Care During Pregnancy
Tips For Nipple Care During Pregnancy  

Wear a comfortable bra: Selecting a proper bra has great importance in nipple care during pregnancy since your breast size is increasing. Try to wear bra made of soft cotton, so that it will help alleviate your nipple pain. It is better to avoid padded bra as a part of nipple care while pregnant.

Use olive oil: Doing a short massage with olive oil is a good idea for nipple care during pregnancy. This will help retain the moisture of the skin. This will help to prevent any problems that are related to dry skin, which is very common during pregnancy.

No soap on nipples: Do not try to use soap on your nipples, as it will make the nipples dry. Excess dryness of the nipple may eventually result in cracking. Use a good moisturising cleansing lotion instead of scented soaps. This is an important point to remember for nipple care while pregnant.

Moisturising creams: If you feel dryness on your nipples, use a good moisturising cream or lotion. It will help keep your nipple moisturised. There are products available in the market that is specially made for nipple care during pregnancy.

Nipple protectors: Nipple protectors are available in market that will help you to get rid of painful nipple. This acts as a barrier between your nipple and your clothes. Nipple protectors are very helpful in nipple care during pregnancy for women with painful nipples.

Use ice pads: Tender nipple during pregnancy is a difficult condition. It is a good idea to use an ice pad on your nipple to help relax. This will alleviate the pain and will make you feel comfortable. Do this as a part of your nipple care during pregnancy.   

Breast pads: It is important to give extra care to your nipples while you experience leakage. Use a good quality breast pad. Keeping your nipples dry and clean is very important to avoid any infections. Remember this point while you proceed with nipple care during pregnancy.

Relationship Problems That Arise During Pregnancy

From the moment of conception most women builds a special bond with her baby and she gradually starts to enjoy her new role as a mother. But it is not so in the case of man, he gets the special feeling of fatherhood only after the child is born. And for that reason most men fail to understand the emotional changes undergone by their partner. This leads to many relationship problems during pregnancy.

About 20% of expectant mothers go through emotional turmoil and relationship issues while pregnant. Parenting can be very challenging and exciting at the same time. A better understanding of the relationship problems during pregnancy beforehand can solve majority of the problems. That means you can enjoy your pregnancy at its best if you learn to tackle your problems effectively. 

Until the time your baby is delivered it keeps on growing inside your womb and your body undergoes constant changes to create a living environment for the baby. This is reflected in the form of physical and emotional symptoms. The relationship problems during pregnancy have to be tackled with great care and emotional support before it starts to show its ugly face. Here are some common relationship problems that arise during pregnancy.

Relationship Problems That Arise During Pregnancy  

Lack of Support and Understanding: Depression and anxiety during pregnancy is one of the main reasons for the unhappy relation between the spouses. Understand and get closer to your wife especially if she feels depressed.

Lack of Communication: Relationship problems during pregnancy arise mainly when the couple does not share their feelings and fail to communicate with one another. Most often husbands avoid talking to the spouse due to possibility of an argument in her depressed mood. In turn the wife feels neglected by her partner. 

Emotional disturbances: It can be very challenging for the husband to deal with such situations. But considering her mixed emotions, husbands should develop a wider understanding and respect for their partner. Mood swings are normal and more common during the first trimester and they occur due to the rise in hormonal level during pregnancy. 

Weak family bonds: Most of the relationship issues while pregnant are linked with a whirl win of emotions like anxiety, depression, stress, and feeling of discomfort. This can lead to even more serious relationship problems during pregnancy.

Women's Physical Changes: The physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy from weight gain, depression, and feeling of tiredness can affect the sexual relationship between the spouses as women begin to tag themselves as unattractive. 

Misunderstandings: Relationship issues while pregnant is becoming very common these days and most often it ends up in the breakup of the marriage. So even very small misunderstanding between the partners should discussed and solved at the earliest.

Depressed partner: Firstly, you should understand the difference between mood swings and depression. But depression is a bigger problem and sometime can be even be suicidal. Around 10% of pregnant women develop serious depression which can be solved by counselling.

Arguments: It is pretty normal for them to feel depressed on small things and become self critical. So avoid arguments and try to understand her feelings and emotions. Never allow them to feel neglected and unwanted.

How to Support Your Partner?
Relationship issues while pregnant can be solved easily depending on how well you support and communicate with each other. Both spouses should take the pregnancy as a reason to strengthen their bond with each not as a reason for separation. In fact pregnancy should be a reason to bring joy to your marriage.

Disadvantages Of Being A Successful Woman

It is a common saying that history is the story of successful people. Everybody wants to be the winner. It is quite natural that there will not be people who want to fail in any of their endeavours. There are many positive impacts that a success can bring to your life. Success can be in any form and format. It may make you famous, rise you to the senior’s chair, brings you wealth and happiness or offer you a successful married life.

Whatever it is, the essence of success can change the flavour of your life. The whole world tends to move around successful women. But, do you know that there are some disadvantages of being a successful woman? If you are constantly facing only success in your life, you may not know what failure will feel like. You may not be able to understand the mindset of those unsuccessful peoplel.  

Working hard with an aim of success in mind may result in poor social relations as well.  Here are some negative successful woman effects. You can use this to comfort yourself if you are facing failure. If you are one among those successful women, beware of these.

Being A Successful Woman: Cons
Disadvantages Of Being A Successful Woman  

Lack of empathy: Be successful and see how everything starts to be on your side. This will bring one of the most common disadvantages of being a successful woman. You will never know the feeling of empathy.

Lack of social skills: One of the main disadvantages of being a successful woman is that you will be a failure when your social skills are considered. Success will keep you in a comfy position, which may force you not to mingle with common men.

Cannot handle difficult situations: Once you are frequent in enjoying the sweetness of success, you will be in a comfort zone. It is one of the common successful woman effects that you will not be strong enough to handle a difficult situation.

Stress: Can you think of the stress that a success will bring you? It will make you forced to focus only to success in the future. The world will not expect that you will face failure at any point in your life. This is one of the bad successful woman effects.

Responsibility: Being a successful woman will put in a lot of responsibilities on your head. People will give you work because you are expected to be successful. This will make you work harder to keep the name. This is one of the disadvantages of being a successful woman.

Friends or enemies: One of the most important disadvantages of being successful is that you may find it difficult to realize original friends and enemies. It is natural that you will have a crowd around you to celebrate your success.

Expect to keep expectations: Once you are branded as a successful woman, you will have to take a little more effort to keep up the expectations of the world. This is because you are labelled as a woman who will always bring success.

Efforts to keep publicity: If your success has made you famous, you will have to take initiatives to keep your publicity also. The world is changing and you have to work harder to compete with the changing conditions as well.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Home Remedies For A Stuffy Nose

Stuffy nose is a completely irritating problem. Most people experience stuffy nose at least once at any point in their life. Stuffy nose is a result of inflamed blood vessels in the membranes lining the inside of your nostrils. This can be due to flu, allergies or cold. Whatever the reason, stuffy nose can be annoying and disturbing. A stuffy nose is enough to make a bad day for you. But, luckily, stuffy nose due to mild reasons are very easy to treat.

You can try many home remedies for treating stuffy nose before opting for commercially available congestion relievers. At the same time, it is important to find out the actual reason for your stuffy nose. If you rule out the reason behind your nasal block at the earliest, it will be easier to get a fast recovery.  Take extra care in staying away from allergens, if your stuffy nose is due to any allergic reactions.

 If the discomfort of stuffy nose persists for more than seven days with any other symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor.  Here are some home remedies for stuffy nose that you can try to get rid of your annoying problem. 

Home Remedies For A Stuffy Nose

Saline nasal drops: Saline nasal drops are commercially available in the market. But, do you know that it is very simple to make saline drops in your home? Mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt with one cup of warm water. Use the saline solution two or three times a day.

Steaming: Steaming is so far the best method for treating stuffy nose. The moisture and heat that you get while steaming will bring you a fast relief. Breathe steam from a source of boiling water. You can use a humidifier also.

Drink enough water: Drinking enough water is very important for treating stuffy nose. Water is one of the best and cheap remedies for stuffy nose. Water will help to thin out the mucus present in your nasal passage.

Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil can be considered as one of the most effective home remedies for stuffy nose. Apply one or two drops of peppermint oil beneath your nose or rub it on the nose. You can smell it after applying on a tissue paper as well.

Peppermint tea: Drinking peppermint tea is a good option as one of the effective remedies for stuffy nose. It contains menthol, which will help in opening the nasal passages. Drinking peppermint tea will give you the combined effect of heat, steam and menthol.

Hot shower: It is a good remedy for stuffy nose to take hot baths. The reason why you get a fast relief while taking a hot bath is very simple. The effect of steam and heat will together help you in opening the nasal passage.

Eucalyptus oil: Essential oils have a wonderful property to help treating stuffy nose. Add two or three drops of eucalyptus oil to the water that you are using for steaming. Eucalyptus oil can be added to a humidifier or diffuser as well.

Steam towel: Using steam towel is one of the most common home remedies for stuffy nose. Dip a clean towel in boiling water. Remove excess water and keep the towel over your face. This will help the steam to do its magic on your nose in treating stuffy nose.

Drink hot water: Hot water is one of the most effective remedies for stuffy nose. Drinking hot water will help in soothing the inflammations of the membranes of the nose and throat. The effect of steam will give some added benefit in treating stuffy nose.

House Cleaning Tips For Winter

Keeping your house clean is very important to keep yourself healthy and happy. Cleaning your house during winter needs a little more care and attention. This is due to the impact of the changing climate. As the intensity of the winter changes, the challenges in cleaning your home will also increase. Winter cleaning can be a difficult job because of the snow trapped in your boots, the messy mud, the humidity in your rooms and the foggy films on your furniture, mirror or windows. So, it is important to make the necessary arrangements to fight humidity.

Are you wondering what to do when you get trapped in your home due to the cold weather outside? Then, consider this as the best time to try a total makeover of your interiors. Change the arrangements of your furniture, carpets, and cushions or change your curtains. But, this may not make any effective change if you fail to keep your home neat and clean.

Many things that you overlook need special attention during winter. Keeping your home clean and beautiful during winter will not be a difficult task, if you know some easy tips and tricks. Here are some winter cleaning tips for your home.

House Cleaning Tips For Winter  
Keep the floors clean: If you have trapped moisture in your room, chances are more for getting a messy floor. If you have kids in your home, keeping the floor dry is very important to avoid accidental falls. Wipe the floor with a dry mop.

Clean the windows: Keeping your window glasses clean is one of the most important winter cleaning tips for homes. Since windows are more exposed to the cold air outside, it will get covered with condensed water when you keep a heater in your room.

Polish your furniture: Winter is the time when your wooden furniture is prone to fungal attack. So, it is one of the best winter cleaning tips for homes to polish your wood furniture even before the arrival of winter.

Wash the glass doors: If you have a glass door near the fireplace, chances are more for the doors to get covered by a foggy film. This will prevent sunlight from falling into the room. It is an important winter cleaning tip for homes to wash the inside of the glass doors.

Clean the mirrors: Do you feel that your mirror is not reflecting the real you? Then, the reason will be the moisture on the mirror. Wipe the mirror with a dry newspaper and then rub some talcum powder on it.

Clean your bathroom: Keeping your bathroom dry and clean is one of the most important winter cleaning tips for homes. Using lemon oil to clean the tiles will help prevent the formation of fungus.

Clean the carpets: Carpets will get attacked by fungus and bacteria due to the presence of moisture. This makes cleaning your carpet often one of the most important winter cleaning tips for homes.

Wardrobe cleaning: Keep your dress cabinets clean. You can spread a newspaper on the cabinet drawers before arranging your clothes. This is one of the easiest winter cleaning tips for homes.

Wash winter blankets: Washing your winter blanket should be an important part of cleaning your home during winter. It is a basic need for keeping your bed hygiene. This will help you stay away from allergy and asthma.

Clean drapes and curtains: Curtains and drapes can get a bad smell. Chances are more for the presence of fungus and bacteria as well. So, cleaning drapes and curtains stay as one of the top winter cleaning tips for homes.