Sunday 11 May 2014

Relationship Problems That Arise During Pregnancy

From the moment of conception most women builds a special bond with her baby and she gradually starts to enjoy her new role as a mother. But it is not so in the case of man, he gets the special feeling of fatherhood only after the child is born. And for that reason most men fail to understand the emotional changes undergone by their partner. This leads to many relationship problems during pregnancy.

About 20% of expectant mothers go through emotional turmoil and relationship issues while pregnant. Parenting can be very challenging and exciting at the same time. A better understanding of the relationship problems during pregnancy beforehand can solve majority of the problems. That means you can enjoy your pregnancy at its best if you learn to tackle your problems effectively. 

Until the time your baby is delivered it keeps on growing inside your womb and your body undergoes constant changes to create a living environment for the baby. This is reflected in the form of physical and emotional symptoms. The relationship problems during pregnancy have to be tackled with great care and emotional support before it starts to show its ugly face. Here are some common relationship problems that arise during pregnancy.

Relationship Problems That Arise During Pregnancy  

Lack of Support and Understanding: Depression and anxiety during pregnancy is one of the main reasons for the unhappy relation between the spouses. Understand and get closer to your wife especially if she feels depressed.

Lack of Communication: Relationship problems during pregnancy arise mainly when the couple does not share their feelings and fail to communicate with one another. Most often husbands avoid talking to the spouse due to possibility of an argument in her depressed mood. In turn the wife feels neglected by her partner. 

Emotional disturbances: It can be very challenging for the husband to deal with such situations. But considering her mixed emotions, husbands should develop a wider understanding and respect for their partner. Mood swings are normal and more common during the first trimester and they occur due to the rise in hormonal level during pregnancy. 

Weak family bonds: Most of the relationship issues while pregnant are linked with a whirl win of emotions like anxiety, depression, stress, and feeling of discomfort. This can lead to even more serious relationship problems during pregnancy.

Women's Physical Changes: The physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy from weight gain, depression, and feeling of tiredness can affect the sexual relationship between the spouses as women begin to tag themselves as unattractive. 

Misunderstandings: Relationship issues while pregnant is becoming very common these days and most often it ends up in the breakup of the marriage. So even very small misunderstanding between the partners should discussed and solved at the earliest.

Depressed partner: Firstly, you should understand the difference between mood swings and depression. But depression is a bigger problem and sometime can be even be suicidal. Around 10% of pregnant women develop serious depression which can be solved by counselling.

Arguments: It is pretty normal for them to feel depressed on small things and become self critical. So avoid arguments and try to understand her feelings and emotions. Never allow them to feel neglected and unwanted.

How to Support Your Partner?
Relationship issues while pregnant can be solved easily depending on how well you support and communicate with each other. Both spouses should take the pregnancy as a reason to strengthen their bond with each not as a reason for separation. In fact pregnancy should be a reason to bring joy to your marriage.

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