Sunday 11 May 2014

Ways To Increase Water Intake During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings along a plethora of changes to your body. It indeed is a difficult journey. Water is the key fluid in providing a balanced diet. Pregnancy demands an even higher intake of water. As you progress with your pregnancy you will need to replace the water lose due to the frequent visit to the washroom. So, you should learn how to increase water intake during pregnancy?  

Are you feeling hungry even after your meals? Do you feel bloated? Then, sufficient water intake is your only saving factor. Since your baby is continuously growing water intake is as important as any other multivitamins.Excess water intake has slew of benefits for mommy and baby like reducing the risk of high blood pressure and other complications. This makes knowing how to increase water intake during pregnancy more important. 

Proper fluid intake during the first trimester of pregnancy can even prevent gestational emesis. It helps to carry the essential nutrients to your baby. Increases Effective breast milk production, produces sufficient amount of amniotic fluid, helps combat constipation dehydration, urinary tract infection and other complications related to pregnancy. Here are some points about how to increase water intake during pregnancy.  

Increase Water Intake In Pregnancy: Tips

How much water do you really need?: An expectant mom should be drinking more than the normal recommended 8 glasses of water per day. She should be drinking more than the half of their body weight in water. That means if you weigh 130 pounds you should be drinking 65 ounces of water. But, you may be confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy. 

Replace Water With Other Fluids: If you are uncomfortable drinking water, you can replace it with other fluids like lemon juice, milk or coconut water. If you enjoy drinking leban you store a bottle of leban in your refrigerator. 

Help Of a Water Bottle: This is a very easy tip to make you relaxed about how to increase water intake during pregnancy. Drink water from a water bottle. Each time you drink water, mark your target. This can work wonders rather than counting the number of glasses of water you had daily. 

Set an alarm: If you are confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy, here is an idea. Set an alarm every two hours to remind you about drinking water. This will help you increase your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Coconut Water: If you are confused about how to increase water intake during pregnancy, consider drinking coconut water. It is a healthier diet option compared to any juices. Drinking coconut water can help to maintain your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Drink water every two hours: Never drink the recommended ounces of water at a time instead try to drink water every two hours. Remember to carry your water bottle on the go to ensure your daily water intake during pregnancy.

 After every washroom visit: Remember to drink water after each visit to your bathroom. After every visit to the toilet, take a turn to your kitchen as well. This will help you increase your daily water intake during pregnancy. 

Eat watery fruits and vegetables: Include fruits and vegetables with high water content like watermelon and cucumber. This will help you forget your doubt about how to increase water intake during pregnancy.

 Add Flavour To the Water: You can make small cubes of your favourite juice and add to your drinking water to make it more palatable. Make a bottle of lime juice and store in your refrigerator to ensure your daily water intake during pregnancy.  l

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