Thursday 26 September 2013

Gardening Tips For Indian Weather

Gardening is not a hobby, but a part of passion for many people. In India, we experience diverse climatic conditions throughout the year. When we consider gardening, it is important to plan it according to the seasons and weather of India. Changes in the weather have a great impact on the style of gardening. This makes the gardening patterns in India different and unique.

Outdoor plants need extra care in each season to stay healthy and strong. It is easy to maintain an attractive garden if you design and keep up your garden taking the changing weather of India into consideration.  A well-maintained and flourished garden will certainly stay irresistible the whole year round, if it is well planned and executed based on the Indian weather. Diverse weather demands different schedules for your garden plants.

Giving a seasonal look for your garden will be an appealing and interesting idea.  If you are ready to spend some time and energy for a perfect garden, it is not so difficult. Here are some easy gardening tips for Indian weather, which can make your garden look beautiful in all seasons.

Gardening Tips For Indian Weather  

Selection of plants:  The Indian weather can be in all its extremities. So the plants should be selected according to the climate. When selecting plants for your kitchen garden, consider plants, which will grow best in a particular weather.

Low maintenance: Selecting plants, which demand low maintenance, is one of the main gardening tips for Indian weather. All seasons in its extremities make it difficult to spend much time in your outdoor gardens. Choosing plants that will grow under low maintenance will be a good option.

Long living plants: If you selected short life seasonal plants, it may demand hard work in your garden. Those plants may change the look of your garden often. Choosing long life plant varieties are one among the useful gardening tips for Indian weather.

Seasonal flowers: If you are smart enough to find out the best seasonal flowering plants for your garden, you are successful in keeping your garden attractive throughout the year. This will help keep your garden full of flowers and fragrance all year round.

Resistance: Since changing Indian weather has close relation to diseases that affect plants, it is better to select plants that are highly resistant to diseases. This will help save your money and effort in maintaining your garden.

Proper watering: Depending on the changing Indian weather, you have to modulate the timings of watering your plants. Proper watering along with other tricky gardening tips for Indian weather will keep your garden beautiful.

Slope: Even the slope of your garden needs to be arranged keeping the changing climatic conditions in mind. A slight slope to north be considered suitable for Indian summer conditions. A south slope is ideal for cold seasons.

Air and light: Arrange your garden in such a way that it will get proper air and sunlight. The availability of sunlight varies with seasons, and this makes it important to select and arrange plants according to the requirement of plants.

Focus on edible results: A variety of vegetables and fruits, suitable to the changing climatic conditions will be a better option than short living flowering plants. This will ensure you a regular supply of edible results throughout the year.

Marketing possibility: While implementing gardening tips for Indian weather, it will be a good idea to focus on its marketing possibility as well. Different seasonal flowers, fruits and vegetables will offer you demand on the market, so that you can make some money out of your hobby.

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