Saturday 15 February 2014

Weird Tribal Foods Sold In The Market

Human beings have bizarre eating habits, when they want to try something different. The ability to eat anything makes them explore new food sources, no matter how weird it is. If you think that you can eat anything that will not attack you from your stomach, know that there are people who eat live animals that crawl in their stomach. It is very surprising to know that there are people who are ready to risk their lives to eat what others find weird. 

 It is very natural that foods that are considered special and traditional by any tribe may be weird for those from outside the culture and tradition. Most tribes consider their special recipe as the healthiest one. But, there are certain foods that will make us forced to call them as completely weird tribal foods. Weird tribal foods are listed among those unbelievable options of food choices.

Do you love to have some weird tribal foods? Then, you will be happy to know that there are some weird tribal foods, which you can get in the markets. For those who love to try anything as food, here is a list of some common weird tribal foods that are available in the market.
Weird Tribal Foods Sold In The Market

Balut: Balut is fertilized duck or chicken egg, buried it in the ground for a few weeks. It is a food from the Philippines. As the demand increases, the traditional preparation by hand changed to mechanical preparation.  Now, it is commonly sold as a street food in the Philippines.

Dog meat: Dog meat is one of the most favourite tribal foods of Nagaland. Dog is considered a weakness in Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur’s tribal communities. This weird tribal food is available in the markets of South Korea, where it is known as "Gaegogi .

Frog legs: For the Lepchas community in Sikkim one of the most delicious foods is frog legs. They believe that frog legs contain medicinal values. This weird tribal food is now available as a special dish in most of the restaurants in the cities.

Eri Polu: Eri polu is one of an exotic food prepared from Silk Worm pupas, after it has spun its cocoon. Eri Polu is usually served with ‘Khorisa’ as a traditional food in Assam. This weird tribal food can be ordered in many restaurants that offer different tastes to your taste buds.

 Spicy Red Ant Chutney: This is a weird tribal food found in Chhatisgarh, a tribal state in India. Here, this chutney is called Chaprah, which is made from red ants along with their eggs. The chutney has a pungent and spicy taste.

Drunken shrimp:  Drunken shrimp is a weird dish with live shrimps soaked in alcohol. Even though it originated from the mainland China, Drunken shrimp is now a  very popular dish available in many luxury hotels and restaurants.

Rat meat: This is a weird tribal food of the Karen Hill Tribe in Northern Thailand. They even grow rats in farm houses for eating. It is a tasty dish for those who love to try something different in their food. Rat meat is a consumable item in many restaurants.

Foetus: Eating foetus is a common practice among certain tribes in Africa. Baby Meat is now recently very popular in the U.S. A certain town in China called Canton (Guangdong) is also famous for this.

Snake wine: If you want to try a different taste in wine, just opt for snake wine next time. It is made by steeping a snake in rice wine, or by mixing snake bodily fluids, such as blood with the alcohol.

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