Monday 11 March 2013

How To Get Pregnant With A Healthy Baby


Here I want to give you some easy tips that can help you increase your overall health and fertility, and thereby increase your chance of getting pregnant. If you are seriously concerned about getting pregnant, I don’t want to disappoint you by  writing up a huge junk asking you to do this...and do that. I just want you to know some easy tips which will definitely be going to give you a positive pregnancy result.

Easy tips for getting pregnant

Where do you consider planning important in your family? Is it just financial planning or to control the number of children? No. If you are thinking of a complete family , then pregnancy planning should also be included in your schedule. Here I will help you to go through some important tips to get pregnant with a healthy baby by a proper pregnancy planning.

Get ready for a baby

1. Decide when you want the newcomer to your life
Don't postpone it if you are above 30 years. Waiting till you get settled with a better professional and financial background will decrease your chance of getting pregnant as your age advances.

2. Watch your weight
Maintaining a correct weight is very important than it seems. Over weight and underweight can affect the regularity of your periods and inhibit ovulation. Increased weight can affect your hormone balance and impair fertility. A healthy body mass index (BMI) for adult women is between 19 and 25. Increased weight is seen in medical conditions like polycystic overian syndrom (PCOS) which should be given extra effort and care. Decreasing your weight itself will give you tremendous improvement. 

3. Improve your diet

If you are ready to take a balanced diet after getting pregnant, why not starting it today? Make sure you eat plenty of protein. Try meat, poultry, fish and dairy products which can improve egg production. You should also drink around two liters of water daily. Try to cut down on flavorings and additives, especially aspartame and monosodium glutamate. Go for fresh meat, fish and vegetables rather than processed ready-meals, and healthy snacks like fruit and nuts rather than chocolate and crisps. 

4. Take Folic acid supplement
Take folic acid supplements at least three months before you even try to conceive because it is needed for the baby in the first stage of pregnancy when you may not even know that you are pregnant. Folic acid reduce the risk of the baby developing neural tube defects, which leads to conditions such as spina bifida. Daily supplement of 400mcg folic acid is a simple way for women to protect their unborn babies. ( Consult a gynecologist before taking any supplement ).

5.  Stop contraceptive
 Stopping any contraceptive other than condom always leave many doubts and confusions to most couples. But no need of getting worried. It is  actually possible to become pregnant after stopping the pill,  although it often takes a few months for ovulation to become normal in a few percentage of women. Getting pregnant after stopping contraceptive measures will not give any harm to your baby.

6. When to have sex
Your best chances are on the day before and the day of ovulation. You normally ovulate two weeks after the first day of your period. It is considered to be around the 14th day when counting from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. While sperm lives for up to 6-7 days, eggs can live only for 12 to 24 hours once they have been released. That means, once you have ovulated, the egg must be fertilized within 24 hours. Some studies have suggested that the best chance of a successful fertilization and getting pregnant is in the first 12 hours after ovulation.
A good approach is to have sex on alternate days . Six days prior to ovulation and six days after ovulation are the most important days to have sex because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict. 

Here are some techniques that may help you to find out your ovulation day.

How to know day of ovulation: 
There are many methods that can be discussed under this topic. But as I said earlier, I just want you to look forward for something that is easy and practical.

a)  Chart Basal body temperature
Basal body temperature charting is a simple but not so accurate method which can be helpful for women who are not sure when they are ovulating. Before ovulation, a woman's basal body temperature is around 36.1 to 36.4 degrees Celsius. During ovulation, your body releases the hormone progesterone, which results in a slightly raised temperature a day or two after ovulation , usually by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. Your temperature will probably stay elevated until your next cycle begins. If you become pregnant during that cycle, your temperature will stay elevated through out the pregnancy due to increased metabolism.

A difference of 0.1 degree is very small, so it’s important to take the temperature in the same way every day. It is difficult to predict ovulation by charting BBT for one cycle because once your temperature goes up, you've probably already missed your chance to become pregnant in that cycle. However, you will get an idea about your ovulation day if you are charting BBT data for a few months.

b) Examine cervical mucus
As you near ovulation, your cervix secretes an increasing amount of mucus.You are most fertile during this time when your cervical mucus is stretchy and clear, like the consistency of egg white. The mucus will helps  the journey of sperm towards the egg.You have maximum chance of getting pregnant if you have intercourse when your cervical mucus is at a so called fertile state.

c) Ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) 
OPKs are available commercially. By testing the levels of luteinising hormone (LH) in your urine, the kits can tell you when you're undergoing the surge in LH levels that precedes ovulation by 12 to 36 hours .This will be the most practically significant method to predict your ovulation time.

6.  Watch your emotional health
 It can be more stressful when you are trying for a baby than being pregnant. Make sure you are relaxed. Relaxation techniques, counseling, yoga and meditation can all help you to become emotionally healthy. Let your body fill with vibrant positive energy. Feel the difference.

7.  Get his body ready too

Your partner's health is just as important as yours,when it comes to getting pregnant fast. They should avoid hot baths, tight-fitting dresses, and any other conditions that may raise scrotal temperature as too hot can kill sperm.. Avoiding alcoholic beverages, smoking and illegal drugs are recommended for both general health and reproductive efficiency. Intake of foods rich in zinc is recommended for man because studies suggest that some men with low sperm count also have zinc deficiency. Meat, wholegrain cereals, seafood, and eggs are high in zinc and could increase your fertility:

8. Visit your doctor  
It is always better to have a visit to your gynecologist even before getting pregnant to have a check up on both your medical histories and your general health. You can discuss any concerns you have about trying to conceive. Knowing your personal medical details will help them to advise on lifestyle options and ways to boost your chances of conceiving.If you had previous miscarriages, you must take extra care and medical advice to prevent it next time.

If you've been trying to get pregnant for a while, say one year with regular intercourse, then it could be time to visit your doctor. They can give you advanced health check up and tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
The spirit of motherhood is the best feeling that a woman can ever have. Be positive and plan your pregnancy today.

In this article, I have included only some most important tips, that also in a concise form. If you have any clarification or suggestion, please feel free to leave it in your comments. 

Asha Das

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