Sunday 14 April 2013

Foods To Reduce Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal and essential process to regulate the body temperature and excrete waste through the skin. Sweating is controlled by the sweat glands. There are two types of sweat glands. The eccrine glands are those that are found all over your body and apocrine gland are those that are found mainly in your hair follicles. Few people tend to sweat more when they workout or indulge in other physical activities; similar to the response to emotional situations that make them nervous, angry, afraid. 
There are millions of sweat glands all over your body. However, more sweat glands are concentrated on the forehead, armpits, palms and the soles of feet. Excessive sweating technically known as hyperhidrosis is a condition that is commonly faced by many people. Smelly sweat is another embarrassing problem. 
As summer is coming closer, we need to be more careful as sweating is most common in this hot season. Proper hygiene can help overcome this embarrassing problem. Also, there are some other effective ways to treat excessive sweating by making some changes in your food list. Since sweating is associated with the digestive and nervous system, your diet plays an important role in controlling the sweating process. 

1.      Water: Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated is the easiest and simplest way to reduce sweat. When your body is properly hydrated, it won’t have to work so hard to regulate your body temperature. This may sound different, but intake of more water will help in reducing sweating.
2.      Yoghurt: Yoghurt is a good source of calcium which help you sweat less. Calcium acts as a temperature regulator. A few foods that are rich in calcium are cheese, almonds, baked beans, and calcium fortified milk.
3.      Olive oil: Olive oil works with your digestive system to reduce its effort in processing food. Increased effort for digestion cause excessive sweating. Olive oil is delicious and can be substituted pretty much anywhere you would normally use vegetable oil.
4.      Whole grains: B- complex vitamins are very important for the normal metabolic functioning. Some other vitamin B rich foods are breads, fish, eggs, nuts, meat and vegetables.
5.      Oat meal: Oats is rich in fiber and grains with low fat content. It will digest fast and will help maintaining your overall health. Prefer oat meal because increased fat content in your food will cause excessive sweating. 
6.      Peppermint: Peppermint taken as teas or juice can help regulate sweating by calming the nerves and soothing anxiety. Some other herbs wit same effect are sage and asparagus.
7.      Tomato: Many vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, are found in tomato juice. Start taking raw tomato daily or drinking a cup of tomato juice and feel the difference.
8.      Almonds: Almonds are rich source of magnesium which will help in digestion and strengthening of immune system. Other magnesium rich foods that can reduce sweating are pumpkins, spinach and soy beans.
9.      Sage:  It helps to regulate the nervous system, thereby control the production of sweat. Drink two cups of sage tea for a few days and you will notice a tremendous change. You can take it in tincture or extract form as well.
10.  Watermelon: Taking water melon is an excellent idea because it is a good source of fiber and water helping in digestion and remaining hydrated. Vitamin B in watermelon is good for maintaining efficient metabolic functioning and inter-nerve communication.

Along with including these in your diet, take care to avoid some foods that can cause excessive sweating like coffee, cola drinks, black tea, chocolates, garlic, onions and spicy foods. Try these dietary tips and from this point on your life could never be the same again.