Wednesday 3 July 2013

10 things that make you famous on twitter

Everybody who uses social networks as a medium to share their thoughts and view secretly admire becoming famous on it. Twitter is one of the best platforms for all those who want to get followed by others and for getting famous. More than contributing something beneficial to the society, there is a secret intention in everybody’s mind to get their thought discussed by the public. The ultimate aim of these hardships is to get famous in social networks.

Becoming famous on twitter will help you in promoting your business or your fields of interest. It will help in getting more visitors to your personal blogs as well. Other than self promotion, getting a platform to reflecting your personality is also an important benefit of getting famous on twitter.

 Tweeters who have too many followers are usually those who are famous even before starting tweeting. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot reach up there. Are you trying hard to get noticed by others on twitter? Do you spend more time in twitter taking a break from other priorities? Then, you have to go through the following 10 steps which will help you to get famous on twitter without much effort.

10 things that make you famous on twitter

1.Define ‘fame’: You should have a correct and defined idea about what you are expecting by getting famous on twitter. Focus only on the particular sort of fame that you are expecting.

2.Focus on relevant matters: Always take care to find out the best matter that can grab the attention of people those who use twitter regularly.

3.Be Unique: Understand that there are many people who are smart in using those 140 words wiser than you. The matter you are presenting should be unique and interesting.

4.Understand crowd’s mood: Instead of sticking on to your opinion and thoughts, going along with the crowd’s mood is very important to get famous on twitter. Do not tweet your interests; instead tweet what a particular group of people may be interested.

5.Follow famous celebrities: Following famous celebrities will help you to get noticed by others. Try to link your tweets with any particular celebrity. If you are trying cleverly you can even make the celebrity follow you.

6.Tweet during peak hours: You have to be very keen about the timings of your tweets. A good research to find out the peak hours to tweet your matter is very important to get famous on twitter.

7.Ask questions: One way to keep people to revolve around your tweet to make it in the form of questions. This will make them respond to your question and they will wait for your next response as well.

8.Be specific: Instead of tweeting about anything that comes under the sun, always try to be specific on any particular topic. This will keep others who are interested in the particular topic to closely watch your tweets making you more famous.

9.Link your account:You should promote yourself on the internet to grab the attention of others to your twitter account. You can use your Facebook account, blog, LinkedIn, Myspace, You Tube or even your email signature for this.

10.Be consistent: If you want to be famous on twitter, you should be consistent in your tweeting. Do not change your content and interests in between. People will follow you only if they get what you offered them while they decided to follow you.

11.Participate:It is important to respond to the tweets of others also if you are trying to be famous on twitter by attracting people towards you. Being more social and involved is very important to get famous on twitter.


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