Monday 8 July 2013

Is Pregnancy Hard After 35?

Nowadays it is very common that women are getting pregnant after an age of 35. But, this always results in many pregnancy complications that may affect the health of the mother or baby. Waiting till you get settled with a better professional and financial background will decrease your chance of getting pregnant as your age advances.But, pregnancy after 35 is not that hard if you have some preparations for your pregnancy. This will help you to conceive a healthy baby as well.Here are some important tips to get pregnant with a healthy baby after an age of 35 by a proper pregnancy planning.

Is Pregnancy Hard After 35

1.Improve your diet
Follow a healthy diet. Include meat, poultry, fish and dairy products which can improve egg production. You should also drink around two litres of water daily.Go for fresh meat, fish and vegetables rather than processed ready-meals, and healthy snacks like fruit and nuts rather than chocolate and crisps.

2.Take Folic acid supplement
Take folic acid supplements at least three months before trying to conceive because it is needed for the baby in the first stage of pregnancy when you may not even know that you are pregnant. Folic acid reduces the risk of the baby developing neural tube defects. Consult a gynecologist before taking any supplement.

3.Hit the right time
Your best chances are on the day before and the day of ovulation. Your ovulation is considered to be around the 14th day when counting from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Six days prior to ovulation and six days after ovulation are the most important days because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict.

4.Watch your emotional health
 It can be more stressful when you are trying for a baby after 35 years. Make sure you are relaxed. Relaxation techniques, counseling, yoga and meditation can all help you to become emotionally healthy. Let your body fill with vibrant positive energy.

5.Get his body ready too
Your partner's health is just as important as yours,when it comes to getting pregnant after 35 years. They should avoid conditions that may raise scrotal temperature.Avoiding alcoholic beverages, smoking and illegal drugs are important. Intake of foods rich in zinc is recommended for men.

6.Visit your doctor 
It is always better to have a visit to your gynecologist even before getting pregnant to have a check up on both your medical histories and your general health. Knowing your personal medical details will help them to advice on ways to boost your chances of conceiving.

The spirit of motherhood is the best feeling that a woman can ever have. Be positive and plan your pregnancy today.


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