Wednesday 3 July 2013

Bad Dating Habits To Change

Are you still single, even after too many dating trials with proper planning and surprises? Are you feeling desperate on your failure series in dating? Then, consider evaluating some of your habits now. Even when you urge to find love, some bad habits can prevent you from getting a partner. If you are still single or if you feel that your dating is not ending up as you like, then there is something you need to change. Here are some of the most common bad habits that you should consider changing before planning your dating.

Bad Dating Habits To Change  

Try not to act as somebody else or act as a younger version of yourselves. It can be disastrous if you are not presented in your original personality. You will never succeed ending in a successful date until you decide to be yourself.

2. Sticking to the past:
The past can be forgotten and don't think that those bad things will repeat. Do not see the new date as your ex and the preference and the character of the date need not be compared to your ex. Let new date be a new starting as everybody is unique you can even find the same traits interesting in your new date.

3. Being much available:
 As an enthusiast lover, you may prefer to go on dating on every single day or night.  This can make a negative impression as you may be seen as too desperate or too lonely. It will make a feeling that you do not have any social life.Change this bad dating habit, if you are of that kind.

4.Being less available:
If you tend to cancel the dates repeatedly or if you are too-much busy in your schedules, it is time to change this bad dating habit. It can be interpreted as you are less interested or as you have a sloppy type of character.It can be perceived as less capable of maintaining a good relation.

5.Being too much specific:
You may have listed out 150 essential character traits the partner must have and if you are not willing for any compromise, then you may end up searching forever. Being too much specific is a bad dating habit that has to be changed. Take chances and date somebody who is not of your type.
6. Being prejudiced:
Acknowledge your feelings towards the date and try to be the original you. Try to point out the negative sides of you so that even the date can be open minded and they can also assess the feasibility of progress.Being prejudiced is a bad dating habit that has to be changed.


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