Monday 17 August 2015

Tips to have a healthy baby

Now that you know you are pregnant, you will be searching for all the possible ways to keep your baby healthy and safe. It is more important that you have to pay extra attention and care to your physical and mental health. There can be situations that may cause a miscarriage or premature birth if you do not take the needed care.

Chances are more for your baby to undergo genetic mutations if your food is not free from pesticides, if you use a toxic cleaner without personal protection or if you take any medications without the prescription of your doctor. Knowing some tips to have a healthy baby can help you go easy and healthy during your pregnancy.  

Since the responsibility to keep your unborn baby safe in your womb belongs completely to you, things to do to have a healthy baby should start even before conception. Along with that, you can do many other things that will help you to have a healthy baby. Here, boldsky is presenting a list of the most important tips to have a healthy baby.

Eat healthy: One of the most important things to do to have a healthy baby is eating healthy. Follow a well balanced diet, which includes all the necessary nutrients that your baby need for the growth and development.

Take prenatal vitamins: Taking prenatal vitamins is one of the most important things to do to have a healthy baby. Folic acid in the prenatal vitamins will help reduce the risk of developing neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.

Regular exercise: If you don’t have any medical problems, it is completely safe to get involved in mild exercises. This will help you stay active while increasing your physical strength. It is recommended to follow exercises that do not need much physical exertion.

Oral health: The awareness that oral health has an important role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy is very important. Maintaining good oral hygiene is one among the most notable tips to have a healthy pregnancy.

No junk foods: Stay away from junk foods, no matter how much you crave for them. Junk foods and processed foods are not recommended for a pregnant woman as it may contain many preservatives and additives that can harm your baby.

No self medication: Never ever try to take any medications without the prescription of your doctor. There are many medications that are not at all safe for a pregnant woman. Taking this will create many complications, which can affect your unborn baby.

Clean habits: Throw away your bad habits and this will be the best thing that you can do for your baby. Smoking, consuming alcohol and taking illegal drugs should be entirely avoided during pregnancy. This is considered as one of the main tips to have a healthy baby.

Prenatal yoga: Yoga is one of the best options to be included in the tips to have a healthy baby. Your emotional health has great role in the development of your baby and practicing yoga will help to keep your mind calm.

Safe workplace:  It is true that your workplace can influence the growth and development of your unborn baby. Stay away from harmful chemicals, pesticides, radiations and other pollutions. Take necessary steps to keep your baby safe in your womb.

Seek medical advice: It is an important point among the tips to have a healthy baby. Don’t hesitate or make it late to contact your doctor if you feel any unusual discomfort. Get medical advice if you experience spotting, bleeding, abdominal pain or back pain.

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