Monday 17 August 2015

When to take pregnancy test?

Waiting to know whether you are entering a new phase of your life will be exciting and at the same time, tensing. When there are theories that give you information about when to take a pregnancy test, the nature reminds you that all women are different. The time of ovulation, fertilization and implantation may differ among women. So, while considering when to take a pregnancy test, be patient.

Every woman who is waiting for pregnancy wants to know the result at the very earliest. The ability of a test to detect a positive pregnancy depends on the method of testing and the time when you have to take a pregnancy test. Most women prefer to do a home pregnancy test, which are easier and economical. Another factor that makes women choose home pregnancy kits is the privacy offered by the test as it can be done in your room itself without much medical expertise. But, to get a reliable result you should know how to take home pregnancy test.

Women who expect pregnancy will look at every physical change with doubt whether it is the time to take a pregnancy test. There are some early signs that your body will give you if you are pregnant. Here, we may discuss those indications of your body that will let you know when to take a pregnancy test to get the lines of happiness at the earliest.

When you miss your period: Most women think of doing a pregnancy test when they notice that they missed their period. You can do a home pregnancy test as soon as you miss your period. If you had made love around your ovulation day, cross your fingers for a happy news.

Nausea and vomiting: These are part of your early morning sickness. If you experience these signs, chances are more for you to be pregnant. Stop thinking when to take a pregnancy test and get a home pregnancy kit today.

Breast tenderness: Knowing when to take a pregnancy test is very important to get an accurate result. Breast tenderness is a common sign of pregnancy that will take you near a positive pregnancy result.

Spotting and cramping: This may make it difficult for you to differentiate whether it is your period or an implantation bleeding. But, remember implantation bleeding will generally be not more than spotting. So, if you are spotting around 6-12 days after your ovulation, take a pregnancy test.

Food cravings or aversion: The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy will result on food cravings or aversions. If you are in doubt when to take a pregnancy test, you should not avoid this symptom.

Not very early: In certain cases, if you test soon after missing a period, you may not get a positive result. This may be due to a late ovulation or a decreased hCG concentration in urine. In such cases, wait for one more week and repeat the test if you still didn’t get your period.

There are many home pregnancy kits available in the market, which may vary in the minimum concentration of hCG needed to get a positive result. Knowing when to take a home pregnancy test will help you get an accurate result.

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