Monday 27 May 2013

Breastfeeding Tips For Beginners

My article published in 

As a new mother you will be now excited in experiencing the feeling of motherhood. The best among those wonderful experiences will be feeding your little one. Breastfeeding is very important for the proper health and growth of your baby. Remember that breast is best for your baby’s nutritional needs. Some women may adjust to breastfeeding very easily but, some others may find it difficult due to various reasons. But, once you are underway, breast feeding is enjoyable, convenient and problem free. 

Although breastfeeding is a natural process, there are a few tips that can help you to ensure that feeding your baby runs as smoothly as possible for both of you. Try these breastfeeding tips for beginners to make your breastfeeding sessions comfortable for you and your baby. 

Breastfeeding Tips For Beginners 

1.Feed on demand: Feed your baby when they demand it.  Many studies suggest that women who feed on demand tends to feed longer with full satisfaction. Feeding on demand will help you to stay away from problems like decreased milk supply and confusion about fulfilling your baby’s need.

2.A comfortable feed: Make yourself and your baby comfortable before starting the feeding session. Try to relax while you are breastfeeding. Thinking about the milk flow and simply gazing at your baby will help to stimulate the let-down reflex and release of milk.

3.Choose the correct position: Choosing the best position remains as the most important breastfeeding tip for a beginner. Try different positions for your breastfeeding and select the most effective and comfortable one for your baby. Try cradle hold, side by side or the rugby hold which are the most popular ones.

4.Offer both breasts: As a beginner, it is an important breastfeeding tip to offer both breasts at each feed to your baby. This will produce sufficient milk supply to meet your baby’s needs. Try to offer more from the first breast in order to make sure that your baby is getting both the fore-milk and the fat filled hind-milk.

5.Skin to skin contact: Skin to skin contact is considered as a very important breast feeding tip for a beginner in breastfeeding. This will help to increase the bonding between you and your baby while breastfeeding, as well as stabilizing your baby’s temperature and breathing.

6. Keep a breast feeding kit: Keeping a breastfeeding kit is very helpful for you as a beginner. You can include nipple shields for cracked or inverted nipples, gel pads to soothe sore breasts, breast pads to absorb leaking milk and lanolin based creams for sore nipples in your breastfeeding kit.

Distinguish facts about breastfeeding from fictions. Try these easy tips and enjoy those most precious moments with your baby.


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