Friday 31 May 2013

What Baby Cries Indicate?

As your baby becomes familiar with the new sounds, sights and stimulus; they will start responding to this world. But it is difficult for a new mother to identify the gestures of a baby. But, as you spend more time with your baby, you will understand clearly what your baby wants to communicate with you. Your baby may smile exactly in response to any of your gesture or action and it definitely indicates that your baby is in a happy mood.But,this is not the case with their cry. Give a close watch on your baby’s cry and you will understand that they cry in different ways for different needs. Here are some common indications that a baby may try to convey through their cries.

What Baby Cries Indicate?  

1.Time for a feed:
The only one option for a hungry baby to convey that it is time for a feed is crying. If they are dry and clean in a new nappy and still crying, chances are more that they are hungry. Your baby will stop crying as you feed them and make them comfortable.

2.Your baby is ill:
If you are not able to comfort and stop the cry of your baby with a feed or if they refuse feeding, you should check for the overall health status of your baby. Check for high temperature, swelling, rash, blood, breathing issues.

3.Time to change diaper:
One of the first things you have to do when your baby cries is to check their nappy. A wet and dirty diaper can irritate them and they can do nothing else than crying out of discomfort. If you are using a cloth diaper, always make sure that you change it in time.

4.Need a winding:
If your baby started crying after a feed, it may be due to gas production in their gut. All you have to do is winding your baby by keeping their belly either on your knee or on your shoulder. It is a good idea to keep a habit of winding your baby after each feed.

5.Ear infections:
If your baby cries excessively, check for other indications that they provide. If they cry while feeding or if they pull their ear while crying, suspect an ear infection. Your baby will find it painful to swallow and will continue crying as you try to make them comfortable with a feed.

6. Need nothing, but you:
Sometimes your baby cries when they want you to hold them. This will make them feel safe and secure. If they cry in a constant low pitch even after a good feed and a nappy change, reassure them with your presence and touch. 


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