Monday 13 May 2013

Natural Pain Killers From Your Kitchen

Unnecessary use of drugs are harmful to our body in more than one context. Painkillers are one among those drugs which people use without even the prescription of a medical practitioner. For most people it is a habit to take painkillers for even a mild headache or a menstrual cramp. But, there are so many natural painkillers which have anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) effect. Some of these natural painkillers can be included in your diet while some others are for topical application or massaging.

Natural painkillers can help you to a great extend, but at the same time any long lasting and chronic pain should be given medical attention.  Natural painkillers can act by blocking of pain signals, relaxing muscles or soothing the nerves. Heat is the most common home remedy for pain as it can block pain signals.

Here are some other natural painkillers from your kitchen shelf that have exciting safe and sound pain relieving effects. So the next time before taking your painkiller tablet, try these.

Natural Pain Killers From Your Kitchen  

1.Cloves for Toothache:
Chewing a clove can give you relief from toothache. It will  act on gum inflammation as well. The pain relieving effect of clove is due to a natural compound present in it called eugenol. Eugenol  is a powerful natural anaesthetic.

2.Ginger for muscle pain:
Including ginger in your diet can ease muscle stiffness and reduce joint swellings. The credit goes to an active content in raw ginger, called gingerols. The recommended amount to be added in your diet is 1 tea­spoon of dried ginger or 2 tea­spoons of chopped ginger.

3.Garlic for earache:
Add two drops of warm gar­lic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days.  Active ingredients in garlic like germanium, selenium, and sulphur compounds can act on different bacteria to reduce  inflammation.

4.Salt for throat pain:
Gargling with warm salt water is very effective for getting relief from throat pain. The salt will help to reduce any swellings due to inflammations. Do it several times a day. Crushed garlic can also be added to it.

5.Oatmeal for menstrual cramps:
Oatmeal is a rich source of magnesium, which is very important in relieving pain due to menstrual cramp.  Oatmeal is one of the best sources of dietary zinc which can help you to get rid of painful periods.

6.Blueberries for pain due to UTI:
Blueberries are effective in reducing pain due to urinary tract infections. The antioxidants present in blueberries are strong enough to treat bladder infections. Add blueberries in your diet for getting relieved from UTI.

7.Peppermint for body pain:
Pepper mint will help to soothe your nerve naturally.  It is preferred to soak yourself in a warm water tub with 10 drops of peppermint added to it. The warm water along with the added peppermint will help to reduce your body pain by calming down your nerves.

 8.Pineapple for digestive upsets:
Stomach pain due to digestive disturbances such as acidity is a common problem. Pineapple will be a good remedy for digestive disturbances. The proteolytic enzymes present in pineapple can help in proper digestion.

9.Turmeric for Joint Pain:
Joint pain, especially that caused by arthritis can be relieved to a certain extent by adding turmeric to your diet. The active ingredient in turmeric called curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that boost pain-producing hormones.
10.Eucalyptus for Headache:

Eucalyptus is an essential oil which can help you to get your headache in control. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties when used topically. It can also be used for general muscular ache, sprain and nerve tensions.


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