Sunday 12 May 2013

How Plants Grow From Seeds

My article in 

Seed germination is the basic stage of the growth of any plant. Knowing how plants grow is important to give proper care and protection to the seeds. The process of germination starts when the seed gets a favourable environment that provides all the basic requirements.  The seed contains the embryo which is covered by the seed coat. A temporary nutritional reserve is arranged around the embryo as  cotyledons or seed leaves. The cotyledons are responsible for the classification of plants into monocots and dicots. It is exciting to know how plants grow from these tiny little seeds. Here are the steps which describes how plants grow from a seed.

How Plants Grow From Seeds
How Plants Grow From Seeds  

.Optimum conditions:
When the seeds get the optimum environmental conditions like correct temperature and water,  it will start germinating. Certain seeds need light while some others prefer shade or darkness . Dry conditions may prevent germination, as seed doesn't get enough moisture.

As the seeds get enough water, it will absorb water and swells as a result of imbibition and osmosis. The plant cells get duplicated with the activation of enzymes and  increase in respiration. All seeds store carbohydrates, lipids and proteins  for germination.

As the seeds swells, it will burst marking the beginning of the growth of a new plant. The embryo will start growing as a new plant. The swelling causes the seed coat to rupture and enables the radicle to come out in the form of a primary root.

4:Emergence of roots:
Growth promoting substances  like auxins, heteroauxins  controls the development of seedlings.A small sprout called a radicle will break through the seed  shell, which becomes the roots. It will help the seed to absorb the necessary nutrients from the soil.

5.Emergence of stems:
Following the emergence of roots, the stems appears opposite the radical with  one or two small leaf-like structures. These are the cotyledons which will help the plant in photosynthesis, until the original leaves are formed.

6.Growth continues:
The plant grows with the help of cotelydons in the first stage. But this will be fallen off once the new leaves arrives. The leaves will continue the process of photosynthesis which will help the plant to grow rapidly.

7.Cycle repeats:         
Depending on the availability of the required optimal conditions, plant will grow with new leaves and strong roots. This is how plants grow from a small seed to become huge trees. It will form blossoms, fruits and the seeds thus formed will again repeat the cycle.

Now as you know how plants grow from a seed, remember to provide the necessary care to the seeds once it is sowed. Have you ever watched and enjoyed how plants grow from these tiny diminutive seeds?


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