Monday 13 May 2013

Ways To Know If You Are Self-Obsessed

My article in

  Self obsession is a feeling that everything in this world involves you or should involve you. Self obsession is difficult to understand by your own because it happens gradually and the individuals who come across it may not recognize it. Usually people who are dealing with you may understand it before you. It will be an embarrassing moment when any other person point out that you are self-obsessed. So, here are eight ways which will help you to realize whether you are self-obsessed.

Ways To Know If You Are Self-Obsessed

1.Talking about yourself:
If you are self-obsessed whatever the topic of conversation is, finally you will direct it to your own matters. You will be interested to talk about your likes, your diet, your profession, your concepts and so on.

2.Shopping only for you:
If you are interested in buying stuffs only for yourself, you are one among those self-obsessed people. You may know the likes and interests of others, but you may not give importance to that.

3.Doing things that make ‘you’ happy:
Watch whether you do things that brings happiness only to you. If you are self-obsessed, chances are more that you will not give priority to the feelings of others while doing anything.

4.Never does charity:
Charity is out of concern for those who are self-obsessed as they may not think about the needs and difficulties of others. If you find it difficult to spend your time, money or labour for charity, you may suspect that you are self-obsessed.

5.Using social media for self promotion:
Social media has become the direct way to human mind and thoughts. If you are trying hard to get noticed by others or for promoting yourself in social media, you are one among those self-obsessed people.

6.Command for services:
If you are too much harsh to your subordinates or others at your service like a restaurant waiter, you can clearly suspect that you are a self-obsessed person. Self-obsession will not let you bother about the hardships of others in serving you.

7.Want the world to come towards you:
A self-obsessed person feels always too busy to look around them, but want others to come towards them. If you feel hesitating to initiate a conversation or relationship even if you really want it, you may be self obsessed.

8.Want to exhibit only your achievements:
Watch out whether you are too much eager to talk about or exhibit only about your victories and achievements. If you skip all your failures and always boast about your success, chances are more that you are a self-obsessed person.


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