Sunday 12 May 2013

Causes Of A Delayed Menopause

The menopause is the time in a woman's life when her menstruation stops making her no longer fertile. The ceasing of menstruation generally occurs between 45 and 50 years of age. Menopause is considered late when it occurs after age 55. This can be presented as changes in monthly cycle,mood swings due to hormonal changes,fatigue,depression,yeast Infections and changes in sleep patterns even before the actual cessation of the menstrual cycle.
 Every woman is unique and the time of menopause will also be different in each woman. Many factors are found to be influencing the time of onset of menopause. A delayed menopause may offer you an added benefit of enjoying your hormone rush, but at the same time there are many side-effects associated with a delayed menopause.Here, let us take a look at the causes of a delayed menopause.

Causes Of A Delayed Menopause

1.Obesity: Obesity is found to be associated with delayed menopause. The fat tissues can produce oestrogen and this will cause a menopause postponement.  It is recommended to have an ideal Body Mass Index to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle as well as proper timing of menopause.

2.Thyroid disorders: Thyroid is important for the proper functioning of menstrual cycles. Disorders of the thyroid gland or in the thyroid hormones are associated with a delay in the onset of menopause. Some of the symptoms of thyroid disorders may be mistaken for menopause, including hot flashes and mood swings.

3.Oestrogen exposure: Continuous exposure of body to oestrogen can lead to a delay in menopause. This will happen if the person have conditions like oestrogen dominance due to high oestrogen levels.This condition has its own set of side-effects which has to be treated.

4.Uterine fibroid: Uterine fibroids are common harmless tumours that can affect the levels of  oestrogen and progesterone. The fluctuation in these hormone levels is more in conditions like uterine fibroids. This will result in a delayed onset of menopause.

5.Genetics: Genetics is supposed to have its own role in deciding the age of your menopause. Chances are more for you to have a delayed menopause if your mother or grandmother had the same situation. But your environment and lifestyle choices may play a significant role in it.

6.Exposure to toxins and chemicals: Environmental pollution is found to be having a role in delaying menopause. Many chemical compounds are capable of mimicking oestrogen structure which will disrupt the hormonal balance.

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