Sunday 12 May 2013

Can You Make Love During Pregnancy?

Now that I'm pregnant can I still have sex? This will be the most common doubt after getting settled with the excitement of ‘the good news’. Making love during pregnancy is a controversial topic in the field. Many factors like safety of your baby, the chances for a pre-term labour or miscarriage, old wives tales or myths will flash in front of you. Most people hesitate to discuss this topic even to their medical practitioners. 

Most studies related to this topic has proved that making love during pregnancy is safe to both mother and baby unless it is contraindicated. At the same time, some experts recommend abstaining from sex in the first and last trimester. Anyhow, it is all about personal decision of the partners. But, if you have any medical conditions that require abstinence from sexual life, you should never try to take a chance. Here are some common questions about this sensitive issue.

Can You Make Love During Pregnancy?
Can You Make Love During Pregnancy?  

Why it is safe? The thick mucus plug that seals your cervix, the amniotic sac and the strong muscles of your uterus will keep your baby safe. The temporary uterine contractions are mild and it will not harm your baby.

Which is the best trimester? In the first three months, hormonal fluctuations, vomiting and tiredness will sap your sexual desire. In the last three months, your growing belly, fear of baby’s safety and difficulty in sex positioning may be the reason. The second trimester is a great time for you to enjoy making love.

What if I am not feeling so? Pregnancy is a period of emotional changes to both partners. Considering your body as a mother will make a complete change in the scenario. Nothing to worry if you are not into making love.  Love is not always physical.

What are the best positions? Any position that makes your belly comfortable can be adapted.  Conveying your concerns to your partner and discovering comfortable sex positions will help you handle the situation easily.

When is it not safe? There are certain medical conditions that strongly recommend abstinence from making love.  Bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy, a low-lying placenta (placenta praevia), a history of cervical weakness or miscarriage are some among them.

As long as you have a healthy pregnancy, you may continue making love. If you are contraindicated to do so, you should follow the instructions. Enjoy making love and the excitement and ecstasy of pregnancy as well.

Next article: How To Deal With An Unplanned Pregnancy?



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